Political Power – capacity to influence behavior of others
Pertains to ability to make decisions (policies) for or influence the behavior of the society as whole
those decisions are binding on all members of society, even those who do not agree with the decisions/ policies
these decisions can be enforced i.e. citizens can be compelled to accept them.
Example: power to raise taxes for every citizen, who are bound to accept them and must pay them or face fines/prison. The poorest members of society have to choose between feeding their families or paying taxes
Political Conflict – involve issues that affect society as whole i.e involve public concerns and interest
Social characteristics (ex. race, ethnicity)
conflicts (ex. over wealth, goods, values, services)
Over power (ex. access to power, limits of power, distribution of power, uses and abuses of power)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Economy 101
Once a week, I will post basic economic terms, helpful to understand the current crisis.
Stagflation – a combination of economic inflation and industrial recession
Consumer confidence – Consumer attitudes towards current and expected economic conditions.
Leading Indicators - Economic indicators used to predict future economic activity.
Retail Sales – The retail sales is a measure of the total receipts of retail stores. The changes in retail sales are widely followed as the most timely indicator of broad consumer spending patterns.
Jobless Claims – is a report issued by the U.S. Department of Labor on a weekly basis, tracking how many people have filed for unemployment benefits.
Unemployment Rate - number of unemployed persons expressed as a percentage of the labor force
Stagflation – a combination of economic inflation and industrial recession
Consumer confidence – Consumer attitudes towards current and expected economic conditions.
Leading Indicators - Economic indicators used to predict future economic activity.
Retail Sales – The retail sales is a measure of the total receipts of retail stores. The changes in retail sales are widely followed as the most timely indicator of broad consumer spending patterns.
Jobless Claims – is a report issued by the U.S. Department of Labor on a weekly basis, tracking how many people have filed for unemployment benefits.
Unemployment Rate - number of unemployed persons expressed as a percentage of the labor force
Overview of Totalitarianism: Types, Key Features, examples.
Communism / or clerical rule such as Taliban and in its early period, Iranian regime.
Key Features:
Concentration of power: a) power in concentrated in hand of single party or leader; b) total domination of all spheres (economy, culture, religion, private life) c) government wants to transform society; crate new vision of society and hence need for absolute power to create better society
Access to power: through membership and career in the ruling party only
Degree of power: no limits on power; no acceptance of private sphere or purely private interests
Mode of governing: through repression, coercion, propaganda, ideological persuasion
Citizen participation: want active, involved citizens; emphasis on demonstrations of support for regime; citizens obligated to participate in large variety of government sponsored activities and organizations.
Responsiveness: Government is focused exclusively on policy outputs, no interests in our mechanism for addressing needs, demands, interest, ex. interests from citizens.
Totaliarian regimes in the 20th Century:
Italy under B. Mussolini (1922 - 45)
Soviet Union under J. Stalin. (one party rule) (from 1930, until his death in the early 1950's)
Germany under A. Hitler (1933 - 45)
Political Science
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
International Relations Key Terms
International Relations: Key Terms for 2009 p.1
Arms Race – process in which two (or more) states build up military capabilities in response to each other. (ex. Russia and US during the Cold War)
Bipolar – an international system with two major powers or two grups of states with equal powers.
Unipolar – An international system with only one hegemon (ex. USA)
Bretton Woods System – system of international fiance, established after WWII for managing the world economy. The meeting took place in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944 (existed until early 1970's). After the meeting, such prestigous global institutions as World Bank and the International Monetary Found (IMF) were born.
Devaluation – process to reduce the value of a currency by changing offcial exchange rate.
Echange rate – the rate at which one country's currency can be echanged for the currency of another state.
Foreign Aid – money/aid directed to the Third World states for economic/humanitarian needs.
Fossil Fuels – ex. Natural gas, coal, oil used to keep alive industrial economy
Group of 8 (G-8) – The seven largest economies (US,UK, Canada, France, Japan, Italy, Germany,) + Russia.
Group of 77 (G-77) – Include more than 120 countries, goal of the group is to represent less develop countries (LDC) of the South.
International Relations
Nowe Pytania na Obywatelstwo cz. 2 (48 - 100)
C. Rights and Responsibilities / Prawa I Obowiazki
48. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them. / Sa cztery poprawki do konstytucji odnosnie tego kto moze glosowac. Opisz jedna z tych poprawek.
Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.)/ Kazdy obywatel moze glosowac (kobiety I mezczyzni).
49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens? /Wymien jeden obowiazek tylko dla obywatela USA?
serve on a jury / sluzyc jako przysiegly
vote in a federal election / glosowanie w wyborach fed.
50. Name one right only for United States citizens? /Wymien jedno prawo tylko dla obywatela USA?
vote in a federal election / glosawnie w wyborach fed.
▪ run for federal office / startowanie w wyborach (urzad fed).
51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States? / Jakie dwa prawa, maja wszyscy mieszkajacy w USA?
freedom of expression / wolnosc expresji
▪ freedom of speech / wolnosc slowa
52. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance? /Komu skladamy lojalnosc podczas slobowania wiernosci fladze USA?
the United States / Ameryce
▪ the flag / fladze
53. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen? / Jaka jedna obietnice skladasz kiedy zostaniesz obywatelem?
defend the Constitution and laws of the United States / obrona konstytucji I praw Ameryki.
Serve in the USA military (if needed) / sluzba w wojsku (w razie potrzeby)
54. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President? / Ile jat musi miec obywatel do zaglosowania w wyborach na prezydenta?
Eighteen / 18
55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?/ Wymien 2 sposoby w jaki Amerykanie moga brac udzial demokracji?
Vote / glosowac
▪ join a political party / wstapenie do parti politycznej
56. When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?* / Do kiedy nalezy wyslac fed. Rozliczenia podatkowe?
April 15 / 15 kwietnia
57. When must all men register for the Selective Service? W jakim okresie mezyzczni musza sie zarejestrowac do Komisji Poborowej?
at age eighteen (18) / w wieku 18 lat
between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26) pomiedzy 18 a 26 rokiem zycia
58. What is one reason colonists came to America?
Podaj jeden z powodow dlaczego osadnicy przybyli do Ameryki.
freedom - wolnosc
political liberty - wolnosc polityczna
59. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
Kto mieszkal w Ameryce przed przybyciem Europejczykow.
American Indians/Indianie
Native Americans/Rdzenni Amerykanie
60. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves? Kto zostal zabrany do Ameryki i sprzedany jako niewolnik?
Africans /Afrykanie
people from Africa/ludzie z Afryki
61.Why did the colonists fight the British?
Dlaczego kolonisci walczyli z Brytyjczykami?
because of high taxes (taxation without representation)/z powodu wysokiego podatku (opodatkowania bez reprezentacji)
62. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Kto napisal Deklaracje Niepodleglosci
Thomas Jefferson
63.When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
Kiedy przyjeto Deklaracje Niepodleglosci
July 4,1776 / 4ty Lipca 1776
64.There were 13 original states. Name three.
Bylo 13 orginalnych(pierwszych stanow. Wymien trzy
New York
New Jersey
65. What happened at the Constitutional Convention?
Co się stało w Konwencie Konstytucyjnym?
The Constitution was written./Napisano Konstytucje
66.When was the Constitution written?
Kiedy napisano Konstytucje
67. The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers /
Dokument Fedaralistow poparl przyjecia Konstytucji Ameryki. Wymine jedno z autorow tego dokumentu
(James) Madison
(Alexander) Hamilton
68. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for? Z czego byl znany Benjamin Franklin
U.S. diplomat / Amerykanski Dyplomata
oldest member of the Constitutional Convention / najstarszy czlonek Konwentu Konstytucyjnego
69. Who is the “Father of Our Country”? / Kto jest uznawany za ojca naszego kraju
(George) Washington
70.Who was the first President? Kto byl pierwszym prezydentem
(George) Washington
71. What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803? Jakie terytorium USA odkupilo ood Francji w 1803 roku?
the Louisiana Territory - Terytorium Luizjana
Louisiana - Luizjana
72. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s. / Wymien jedna z wojen w ktorej brala udzial Ameryka w XIX wieku?
War of 1812 - Wojna 1812 roku
Mexican-American War
Civil War - Wojna Domowa
Spanish-American War - Wojna hiszpansko amerykanska
73. Name the U.S. war between the North and the South. Jak nazywala sie wojna pomiedzy Polnoca a Poludniem Ameryki?
the Civil War/ Wojna Domowa
74.Name one problem that led to the Civil War/Co doprowadzilo do wojny domowej (podaj jeden powod)
slavery - niewolnicstwo
economic reasons - przyczyny ekonomiczne
75.What was one important thing that Abraham Lincoln did?/Co waznego zrobil Abraham Lincoln?
led the United States during the Civil War / prowadzil Ameryke (byl prezydentem) podczas wojny domowej
76.What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? Co spowodala proklamacja o zniesieniu niewolnictwa?
freed the slaves/zniosla niewolnictwo
77. What did Susan B. Anthony do? / Co zrobila Susan B. Anthony
fought for women’s rights / walczyla o prawa kobiet
78.Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s / Wymien jedna z wojen w ktorej brala udzial Ameryka
World War I - Pierwsza Wojna Swiatowa
Korean War - Wojna Koreanska
79.Who was President during World War I? / Kto byl prezydentem podczas Pierwszej Wojny Swiatowej
(Woodrow) Wilson
80.Who was President during World War II? / Kto byl prezydentem podczas Drugiej Wojny Swiatowej
(Franklin) Roosevelt
81. Who did the United States fight in World War II? Przeciwko komu Ameryka walczyla podczas Drugiej Wojny Swiatowej.
Japan, Germany, and Italy / Japonia, Niemcy,Wlochy
82.Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in? Zanim zostal prezydentem, Eisenhower byl general, w ktorej wojnie bral udzial?
World War II/Druga Wojna Swiatowa
83. During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States? / Podczas zimnej wojny co byl glownym problemem Ameryki
Communism - Komunizm
84.What movement tried to end racial discrimination? /Jaki ruch prubowal zakonczyc dyskryminacje rasowa
civil rights (movement) / ruch praw obywatelskich
85. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do? /Co zrobil Martin Luther King, Jr?
fougt for civil rights / walczyl o prawa obywatelskie
86. What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States? Jaki wazny incydent mial miejsce 11 wrzesnia, 2001?
Terrorists attacked the United States./ terrorysci zaatakowali Ameryke
87. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States. / Wymien jedno plemie Idianskie w Ameryce?
88. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States./ Wymien jedna z dwoch najdluzszych rzek w Ameryce?
Missouri (River)
Mississippi (River)
89. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?/ Ktory ocean znajduje sie na zachodnim wybrzezu Ameryki?
Pacific (Ocean)
90. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States? /Ktory ocean znajduje sie na wschodnim wybrzezu Ameryki?
Atlantic (Ocean)
91. Name one U.S. territory / Wymien jedno z terytoriow naleze do Ameryki
Puerto Rico
92.Name one state that borders Canada / Ktory stan graniczy z Kanada?
New York
93.. Name one state that borders Mexico. / Ktory stan graniczy z Meksykiem?
94. What is the capital of the United States? / Wymien stolice Ameryki?
Washigton, D.C.
.95. Where is the Statue of Liberty? Gdzie znajduje sie Statua Wolnosci?
Liberty Island / Wyspa Wolnosci
akceptowane odpowiedzi: w New Jersey, kolo Nowego Jorku.
96 Why does the flag have 13 stripes. / Dlaczego flaga ma 13 paskow
because there were 13 original colonies / poniewaz bylo 13 orginalnych(pierwszych) kolonii
97.Why does the flag have 50 stars? / Dlaczego flaga ma 50 gwiazd?
because there are 50 states / poniewaz jest 50 stanow
because each star represents a state / kazda gwiazda reprezentuje jeden stan
98.What is the name of the national anthem? Jak nazywa sie hymn narodowy?
The Star-Spangled Banner / Sztandar Gwiazdzisty
99.When do we celebrate Independence Day?/Kiedy obchodzimy swieto niepodleglosci?
July 4th - 4 lipca
100. Name two national U.S. holidays./ Wymien dwa narodowe swieta?
Labor day / Swieto Pracy
Veterans Day / Dzien weterana
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Political Science: Terms/Concepts
Concepts/Terms in the Political Science:
Multiparty system – a democratic system in which there are more than two major parties.
Electoral system determines if given state will have two party or multiparty system. If state uses proportional representation system it will surely have a multiparty system.
Most democratic systems are multiparty systems
Multi party system offers wider range of choice. System requires a coalition government to operate smoothly. Government cannot be set up unless two or more parties agree to cooperate by forming a coalition. Example: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Belgium, Swiss. rule by stable coalition of one sort of another through most of their postwar history.
Coalition may be torn apart by mutual mistrust. In many cases caused by animosity among political parties.
Bicameralism – two houses in the legislature
Traced back to England and other European state, where two or more chambers were created to serve the interests of different economic classes.
Upper represented aristocracy, lower house served the merchant class.
It is still evident in the names of two houses in the United Kingdom, lower house being the House of Commons and the upper house the House of Lords.
Powers of aristocracy in most countries were reduced or eliminated. On the other hand power of the middle class expanded.
Bicameralism may counterbalance disproportionate power in the hands of any regional government.
Seats in the lower house are allocated by population.
Bicameralism may use competition between the two houses as means to slow down the legislative process.
System force consensus – building between the upper and lower house.
Judicial Review – the mechanism by which the court can review laws and policies and overturn those that are seen as violations of the constitution. It also the most important power of the federal court.
May take two forms;
Concrete Review – power by which court can rule on constitutional issues on the basis of disputes brought before it. In other words court must wait for a legal dispute.
Abstract Review – allows a court to decide on questions that do not arise from actual legal cases.
Laws that are judged not in the keeping with the Constitution’s intent are declared unconstitutional and void.
Right of judicial review strengthened the power of judiciary against the two other branches of government.
Supreme Court in US has only concrete power
Constitutional Council in France have only abstract power, where they do not hear specific cases between disputants.
Political Science
Monday, May 4, 2009
Country Brief: Somalia (The Horn of Africa )
I'll try to present an overview of different countries around the globe, in “study format”.
The Horn of Africa: Somalia
Somalia is located on the east coast of Africa. In the hilly north, altitudes above sea level ranges from 900 and 2,200 meters. On the other hand, southern and central part of Somalia is flat (alt. < 180 meters).
Life Expectancy at Birth: 48 years for males, and 46 years for females.
It's even worst when Somalian would like to see a doctor. There is one (1) ! physician available for around 19,100 people, imagine that in your country. People would go berserk. UNICEF, several diseases that cause more than half of all deaths among youth.
Diseases: malaria ( in the West people simply do not die anymore from malaria, it was gone in the 1950's)Diarrhoeal disease-related dehydration, respiratory infections, cholera, tuberculosis.
Population: ~ 9mln (est.)
Capital: M O G A D I S H U
Per Capita Income /Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 600$ / 4.5 billion.
Inflation rate: 100%, (some report even more than 100%).
Somalia like many other African nations is rich in natural resources such as: copper, salt, uranium.
Occupation (labor force): 80% agriculture, 20% industry and services.
Internet users: ~ 2000.
In 2009, the main source of income for many young Somalians came from Piracy (not from downloading illegal files from the Internet) but from the old fashioned Piracy at Sea. Roger Middleton, a piracy expert at London-based think-tank Chatham House, reported than Somalis made in 2008 about $80 mln in ransom money. Now that a lot of dineros.
Religion: 99.9% Muslim.
Link to full report on Pirates by Roger Middleton (12 pages).
International Relations
Nowe Pytania na Obywatelstwo cz. 1 (1-47)
Witam, oto nowe pytania na obywatelstwo (od 1 pazdz. 2008). Pytania przetlumaczone na jezyk polski, i zostaly podzielone na czesci. Dzisiaj czesc pierwsza:
Amerykanski Rzad.
1. What is the supreme law of the land? / Jakie jest najwyzsze prawe kraju?
The Constitution / Konstytucja
2.What does the Constitution do? / Co daje konstytucja?
protects basic rights of Americans / chroni podstawowe prawa Amerykanow
3. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? / Koncept autonomi jest zawarty w pierwszych trzech slowach konstytucji. Jakie to slowa?
We the People / My ludzie
4. What is an amendment?/ Czym jest poprawka?
change to the Constitution / zmiana w konstytucji
5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? / Jak nazwiemy dziesiec pierwszych poprawek do Konstytucjii.
The Bill of Rights / Akt Swobod Praw Obywatelskich
6. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment? / Jakie jest prawe albo wolnosc w pierwszej poprawce. (nalezy wymienic tylko 1 prawo / wolnosc)
Speech / wolnosc slowa
religion / wolnosc religii
press / wolnosc prasy
assembly / prawo protestu
petition to the government / prawo pisania petycji do rzadu
7. How many amendments does the Constitution have? / Ile poprawek zostalo wprowadzonych do konstytucji.
Twenty seven / dzwadziescia siedem (27)
8. What did the Declaration of Independence do? / Co spowodowala Deklaracja Niepodleglosci?
announced our independence (from Great Britain) / oglosila nasza niepodleglosc (od Wielkiej Brytanii/Anglii)
9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? Jakie sa 2 prawa wspomniane w Deklaracji Niepodleglosci?
Life, / zycie
Liberty / wolnosc
Pursuit of happiness / dazenie za szczesciem
10.What is freedom of religion? Czym jest wolnosc religii?
you can practice any religion, or not practice a religion. / Mozesz prakykowac kazda religie, albo nie prakykowac religii.
11. What is the economic system in the United States? / Jaki jest system ekonomiczny / system gospodarczy w Ameryce?
Capitalist economy – Kapitalizm/Gospodarka Kapitalistyczna
12. What is the “rule of law”? Czym jest zasada prawna?
No one is above the law/ Nikt nie jest ponad prawem.
System of Government / Struktura Rzadu
13.Name one branch or part of the government. / Nazwij jedna z galezi rzadu. (nalezy wybrac 1)
Executive / wladza wykonawcza
Congress / kongres
14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful? Co zatrzymuje jedna z galezi rzadu przed byciem poteznym?
Check and balances / zasada rownowazenia wladz
separation of powers / podzial wladz
15.Who is in charge of the executive branch? / Kto jest odpowiedzialny za wladze wykonawcza?
The President / Prezydent
16.Who makes federal laws? / Kto tworzy prawo federalne?
Congress / Kongres
Senate and House (of Representatives) / Senat i Izba Reprezentanow
17.What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress? Wymien dwie izby kongresu?
the Senate and House (of Representatives) / Senat i Izba Reprezentanow
18.How many U.S. Senators are there? Ilu jest senatorow?
one hundred (100) / sto (2 senatorow z kazdego stanu, razem 100)
19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? Na jak dlugo wybierany jest senator
six (6) / na szesc lat
20. Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now? / Podaj jednego senatora z twojego stanu.
W zaleznosci od stanu nalezy wymienic 1 senatora, oto senatorowie z (NY,NJ,CT,PA),
New York - Charles Schumer (D)
New Jersey - Frank Lautenberg (D)
Connecticut - Christopher Dodd (D)
Pennsylvania - : Arlen Specter (R)
21.The House of Representatives has how many voting members? / Izba Representantow ma ilu glosujacych poslow?
four hundred thirty-five (435) / czterysta trzydziesi piec.
22.We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years? / Na jak dlugo wybieramy posla.
Two years (2) / dwa lata
23.Name your U.S. Representative. / Wymien 1 posla.
NY - G. Ackerman, NJ – J. Adler, CT – J. Courntey, PA – R.Brady
wiecej info na: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW_by_State.shtml
24.Who does a U.S. Senator represent? Kogo reprezentuje Senator?
all people of the state / wszystkich ludzi ze stanu.
25.Why do some states have more Representatives than other states? / Dlaczego niektore stany maja wiecej poslow niz inne stany?
(because) they have more people / poniewaz maja wiecej ludzi / ludnosci
26.We elect a President for how many years? / Na jak dlugo wybierany jest prezydent?
four (4) / cztery (4) (lata)
27.In what month do we vote for President? / W jakim miesiacu glosujemy na prezydenta?
November / Listopad
28.What is the name of the President of the United States now? / Kto jest obecnie prezydentem USA?
Barack Obama
29.What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now? Kto jest wiceprezydentem?
Joe Biden
30.If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President? Kto zastepuje prezydenta kiedy nie moze pelnic swojej funkcji?
Vice president / wiceprezydent
31.If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President? Kto zastapi prezydenta I wiceprezydenta kiedy nie bede mogli pelnic swoj funkcji?
Speaker of the House / Marszalek Izby
32.Who is the Commander in Chief of the military? Kto jest glownodowodzacym wojska (sil zbrojnych)?
The President / Prezydent
33.Who signs bills to become laws? Kto podpisuje projekty ustaw ktore pozniej staja sie prawem?
The President / Prezydent
34.Who vetoes bills? Kto wetuje projekty ustaw?
The President / Prezydent
35.What does the President’s Cabinet do? Co robi gabinet prezydenta?
advises the President/ doradza prezydentowi
36.What are two Cabinet-level positions? Wymien dwa stanowiska gabinetu?
Secretary of State / Sekretarz stanu
Sekretary of Defense / Sekrarz obrony
37.What does the judicial branch do? Czym sie zajmuje wladza sadownicza?
explains laws / wyjania prawo
decides if a law goes against the Constitution / decyduje czy prawo jest niezgodne z konstytucja.
38.What is the highest court in the United States? / Jaki jest najwaznieszy sad w USA?
The Supreme Court / Sad Najwyzszy
39.How many justices are on the Supreme Court? / Ilu jest sedziow w sadzie Najwyzszym?
Nine (9) / dziewieciu
40.Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now? Kto jest sedzia glownym w sadzie najwyszym?
John Roberts (John G. Roberts, Jr.)
41.Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government? Wymien jedno z praw ktore przysluguja dla rzadu federalnego?
to print money / drukowanie pieniedzy
to create an army / stworzenie armi
42.Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power of the states? Wymien jedno z praw ktore przysluguje dla stanow?
give a driver’s license / wydawanie prawa jazdy
provide protection (police) / zapewnienie bezpieczenstwa (policja)
43.Who is the Governor of your state now? Kto jest gubernatorem twojego stanu?
New York - David Paterson
NJ - Jon Corzine
PA - Edward G. Rendell
CT - : M. Jodi Rell
44.What is the capital of your state? Wymian stolice twoje stanu?
NY – Albany
NJ – Trenton
PA - Harrisburg
CT – Hartford
45.What are the two major political parties in the United States? / Jakie sa 2 najwazniejsze partie politycznie w USA?
Democratic and Republican / Demoratyczna I Republikanska
46.What is the political party of the President now? Z jakie parti politycznej jest prezydent?
Democratic / Demokratycznej
47.What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now? Kto obecnie marszalkiem w izbie reprezentantow?
Nancy Pelosi
Po wiecej informacji na ten temat zapraszam na,
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Thinking of Joining Peace Corps?
Couple weeks ago, I've attended Peace Corps Seminar. The recruiter discussed what is like to be a peace corps volunteer. To be honest, it was pretty good meeting. She was very funny, and said that without her stubbornness she would not have lasted 2 years (time you have to serve) in the foreign country. While abroad, you receive monthly wage of about 300$ (that what she said:)), which is similar to what a professionals get in that particular country. 300 bucks sounds like nothing spectacular, but the living is usually cheap, and she told us that for 2 years not even once, she paid from her own pocket. When you return home, Peace Corps will give you around $6000.00 for fresh start. You will be in touch with former peace corps volunteers. Federal gov't will give you little privileges while applying for employment in the government. Thinking of master schools? After volunteering, you would be able to apply for tons of scholarships/ fellowships etc.
Here are some facts about volunteering in PC:
Each year over 12,000 applications are received for approximately 4000 Volunteer positions
Take at least a year of French (in case you'll go to African states) or two years of Spanish (Latin America off course). The ability to learn a new language is an important ingredient in a successful Peace Corps experience. Currently, there is much greater need for French speakers than for Spanish speakers
The more skills and experience you can gain, the more competitive you will be.
Fore more info:
Visit peacecorps.gov
Preparing for Sudden Change in North Korea
The Council on Foreign Relations has published long, detailed article (70pages on North Korea, "Preparing for Sudden Change in North Korea (January 2009) concerning governmental in North Korea.
Authors: Paul B. Stares, General John W. Vessey Senior Fellow for Conflict Prevention and Director of the Center for Preventive Action. Joel S. Wit, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Weatherhead East Asia Institute, Columbia University, and Visiting Fellow, U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
"Preparing for Sudden Change in North Korea is a thoughtful work
that provides valuable insights for managing a scenario sure to arise in
the coming months or years."
The article is available for free in pdf fortmat @ CFR:
Word on North Korea
North Korea is ruled by the supreme leader Kim Jong Il. The country's economy is controlled strictly by the central government. It is communist rogue state, that has one party dictatorship. The citizens have no acess to the outside, the only books available are the one prepared by the state. Kim Jong Il is a God-like figure in the country. North Korea has made no attempt to enter world stage. Due small size, and being afraid of threats from oustide forces the state decided to become nuclear power. Govermnent officials decided to spent most of available resources an developing nuclear weapons, at the cost of mass starvation. Intelligence on North Korea is very restrictive because the country is completely closed to international visitors. However, due to humanitarian issues only Red Cross was able to provide information on situation in North Korea.
International Relations
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