Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Swine Flu / H1N1 / death of 300,000 pigs

Egyptians took the flu really seriously despite the fact that the number of reported cases of swine flu was the astonishing number of 0. So, the smart officials decided to slaughter around 300,00 pigs. They call it proudly, flu prevention. What is really funny, is a fact that it was a blow (in a place that hurts as hell :)) to the 10% Christians population occupying Egypt because majority if the country is off course Muslims (and everybody knows Muslims can't eat meat) Expect, Halah Meat, Right?!.
So now, average Coptic Christian, has to survive without pigs which used to be the source of economic support. Scary politicians, are discussing a possibility of paying 180$ for each pig that was slaughter (gov't would lose 54$ mln). Thats unbelievable, what can a farm do with 180 dollars for the rest of the year? I know maybe he could purchase another pig as replacement for the one that was slaughter? Ups, I forgot there are not pigs left in Egypt. :(

Lets hope the other nations would not follow the Egyptian example,

No swine flu cases = 300,00 slaughter pigs = 54$ mln in loses).

I'm sure that in the developing nation as Egypt, 54 mln could be used much wiser, such as building new schools for the poorest.

link to the article:

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